Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Education Today - what are the trends?

I recently viewed a video on You Tube regarding how education is performing - or underperforming - for the students of today.  The title of the video is "A Vision of Students Today".  Try to view this through the lens of education, from your personal background and experience.  

I'd also suggest to view it through a teaching lens.

There is already good comments on you tube, but I'd like to continue the thoughts on this video here as well.  See you soon.


1 comment:

Laura said...

This video demonstrates a very interesting and worrisome trend in education. In this day and age everyone is in a rush. While technology has helped us to perform some tasks faster than we previously could have, it also takes away from the very important need for face-to-face contact and personal interaction. One school that is making changes to get away from this mass form of "quantity instead of quality" teaching is Coker College in South Carolina. They keep their class sizes to a minimum and practice what is called “round table teaching.” Check out their website Because of their unique approach to teaching, they have been named one of “America’s Top Colleges of 2008” by U.S News and World Report. (This is the twelfth time they have made the list.) Coker was also named as a “Best Southeastern College of 2008” by the Princeton Review. I think the high acclaim of this school shows that students crave the personal attention and the academic results they get in a school that is focused on what works best in education for students. It would be pretty difficult to get away with texting, blogging, or updating your facebook page during a round table discussion in class of ten students!