Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TEACHnology . . . and Filtering.

The other day I mistyped the word technology with "teachnology. I found this very ironic how this simple mistake made me think about teaching. With respect to the education profession, should we begin to refer it to "TEACHNOLOGY?" To me, this implies that educators across all curricular areas utilize teachnology for improving learning - daily. Its an education system totally infused with technology to improve learning. Consequently, once we ponder this question another arises. How long would this take? Would Districts advocate this idea and support it?

My guess is it won't happen until this generation becomes teachers; 20 years?. The students have a better grasp of today's technology than many of their teachers - I am probably included in that group. Students today have grown up with this technology, therefore will learn to use it for learning many different things and in many different ways. They will be able to use various social networking sites to assist learning, web-based applications for communication and tasks rather than desktop programs. They are the wave of the future. I think we are in transition now, but it may take 10-20 years before "TEACHNOLOGY" could be curriculum wide on a daily basis.

Finally, I would say that Districts would support this in the years to come as well. Right now its being advocated for in some districts across the U.S., but its not wide-spread. We are still Filtered to an unbelievable extent inside schools, teachers and students alike. Will Richardson's blog is on "Filtering" http://weblogg-ed.com/2008/filter-fun/ is on point in my opinion. When today's students become administrators I think then we would more support the idea of "TEACHNOLOGY." They would allow us to use tools (unfiltered) to make us a competitive world economy again - starting in grade school. Grade school penpals would evolve into Skype pals - we can communicate, collaborate and learn with others around the world.

See you next time . . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you have too much time on your hands. However, you should patent the word "Teachnology." In all reality, Teachnology is exactly what we have to do. Because of filters etc. We have to teach with lesser technology.....TEACHnology.